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First grappa, then whisky and soon rum
The Leimgruber family has been running the St. Urban distillery in Girlan since 2008.
Like father like son: At the St. Urban distillery in Girlan, this applies to the passion for distilling as well as the desire for new creations. In 2008, master distiller Erwin Leimgruber started producing grappa, fruit and berry brandies, liqueurs and spirits. This range still accounts for around 80 percent of the annual production of 8000 bottles.
"Then comes the gin, which was awarded 'Best Italian Classic Gin' in London in 2020," says Leimgruber confidently. Such awards are not decisive for sales, "but they are helpful", the master distiller knows - after all, the media like to pick up on awards and curiosities.

This was also the case when the full-time winemaker started producing a South Tyrolean whisky in 2016. This is now on sale and the initial two barrels have become six. The latest project, however, is that of son Felix, who completed his training as a distiller in Germany and has ventured into the production of rum from Nicaraguan sugar cane molasses. It is scheduled to go on sale in 2023 and will rest in rose muscatel barrels until then.
For the Leimgrubers, producing only conventional products is not enough; relying only on the traditional is too narrow-minded. This is also supported by their wife and mother Rosi, who is in charge of the farm shop, design and marketing.