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With passion for vines and long-lasting wines
Winery Abraham
It was 2011 when Martin and Marlies Abraham decided to start their own winery. A life's dream and a life's task at the same time. But the two are convinced and persevering, like the hoopoe, a striking migratory bird, and trademark of the Abraham winery in St. Michael. Since then, a winery, a tasting room and a magazine have been built. The wines have had a remarkable rise and are listed in the most prestigious restaurants in the country. "The vineyards are located with Gfill, Pagis and Unterberg in Eppan Berg and opposite in Weißhaus, Kreit and at the Kleiner Sattel," the Abrahams explain.

The focus is on Burgundy varieties, but Vernatsch and Gewürztraminer are also close to the couple's hearts. The same goes for the up to 70-year-old Pinot Blanc pergls preserved by father Karl and grandfather Johann. "The wines are not accelerated in the cellar. The little intervention without fining agents aims to make the wines elegant, puristic and long-lasting," says Marlies Abraham. The goal: wines with a strong, natural character.
In the future, Sauvignon and Chardonnay will join the four varieties and over 20,000 bottles of annual production. In view of the steady increase in high-quality vineyards to 5.5 hectares today, the aim is to increase production. Their own enthusiasm and that of the individual wineries for wine is to be communicated to the outside world with the umbrella brand Eppan Wein. The Eppan Wein umbrella brand unites wine producers, sparkling wine producers and distilleries. It is the interface for wine lovers and producers, guests and partners, the tourism association and the municipality.