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Ein Händchen

für Hochgenuss


Die Finesse

des Genuss

Music Nights
from 07 June

Music nights


The evening concerts are very popular with guests and locals.

Long Wednesday for Kids
from 03 July

Long Wednesday for Kids

St. Michael | Eppan

The Long Wednesday for Kids is a special program that offers children the opportunity to take part in various activities and events. From creative workshops to sporting activities - there is something for everyone.

Long Wednesday
from 03 July

Long Wednesday

St. Michael | Eppan

Enjoying, shopping, strolling and a good glass of wine - the Long Wednesdays in St. Michael | Eppan invites You to the centre of St. Michael on wednesdays in July and August.

from 18 July


Wine and cultural delights in Eppan  |  St. Pauls | Eppan

In the idyllic alleys of the wine village, everything revolves around the noble drop and the series of events delights wine connoisseurs, culture lovers and pampered palates.

WineSounds on the Alto Adige Wine Road
from 24 Oct

WineSounds on the Freudenstein Castle

Freudenstein Castle, Berg | Eppan

The varied program is complemented by exciting works from the world of music and promises to leave nothing to be desired.

Michelangeli Concert of the Piano Academy Eppan
31 Oct

Michelangeli Concert of the Piano Academy Eppan

Kultursaal Eppan

This year, the Michelangeli Prize, endowed with 5,000 euros, will once again be awarded by the public and provided by the municipality of Eppan.

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Ferienregion eppan

Ein Ort wie geschaffen für Ihre Ferien: Eppan an der Weinstraße

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Zwischen Bergen, Wäldern, Wiesen und Weinbergen gelegen, präsentiert sich Eppan seinen Gästen überraschend vielfältig. Sport, Natur und Genuss verbinden sich hier zu einem aufregenden Ganzen und machen die Weindörfer im sonnigen Süden Südtirols zu einem ganz besonderen Ort. 

Eppan & umgebung

Burgen & Kultur


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Seen & Natur


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Wein & Genuss

Kunst in 
der Flasche

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Übernachten in Eppan

alle unterkünfte

Hotels & Pensionen



Bed & Breakfast


Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof

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#eppan Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consete tur sadi pscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed dia.

Zur SOcialwall


So sieht es bei uns aus. Versprochen!

#eppan Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consete tur sadi pscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed dia.

Zur SOcialwall